Les Délices de la Gare Valois

123 Avenue Donegani – Valois

Pointe-Claire, QC, H9S 4P8 1-(514)-694-6161

I am a big supporter of local retail. However, the owners have to get it right. Les Délices have done just that! They opened in a spot ideal for success but that had seen failure after failure . Predecessor cafés never opened at the same times or on the same days making it difficult to build a regular clientele.

So,what have they done right?

What not to like? I would have shown the sandwiches but this is more fun!!
  1. They have posted their open hours and they stick to them.Too many new entrepreneurs on “village style” high streets are escaping corporate hierarchy. So, they think that “being your own boss” means that they can open and close at will. Not Les Délices! They understand that the collective customer is the new boss.
  2. The place is spotless, inside and out. Also, their little terasse is decorated with plants and a sun shade.
  3. Peaceful colour choices and lack of clutter make the space relaxing and peaceful. 
  4. Everything is made in-house. Scones, cheesecakes, cupcakes, sandwiches – well everything – is delicious and beautifully presented. 
  5. They get service right. It isn’t good enough to smile and say “I am Bill and I will look after you today.” Ugh! Do I hate that line! Knowledgeable, prompt service comes first.  Familiarity, a distant second.
  6. I have used their catering services. Sandwiches, pastries, charcuterie boards, fruit and vegetable platters – everything was excellent. And, it was ready at the appointed time and beautifully presented.
  7. Ownership clearly understands its service offering and the espresso is very good!

If ever in Valois Village, I encourage you to drop in for an excellent cappuccino and a pastry of your choice! Or have a sandwich for lunch. You will not be disappointed. For readers not living in the Pointe-Claire area, find a well-run family café close to you!

Be a supporter of local retail!

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