Try Something Different

(Short read – less than three minutes)

What do you do when on vacation? Do you go to the beach and drink rum punch? Or, see how many places you can visit in Europe in fourteen days? Maybe run from museum to museum to museum in Paris? Take a cruise – I know – many of you love cruises. Me, the very thought of a cruise makes my skin crawl. Give me long, leisurely stays in dream cities and towns rather than a collection of quick visits anywhere. I still get goose bumps thinking about the month we spent in Venice. Or the enjoyment of being remembered by name in Montepulciano, even after three years!

Try Something Different

I really enjoyed trying to learn Italian at Il Sasso, a language school recently featured in Monocle Magazine. I have a personal quest to visit each ancient village that makes up the City of London. And not so different, the time we spent as a family in a house near Arezzo, Tuscany . I thought having 12 people sharing a house over three weeks would kill me but I loved it.

I have a whole list of other places that I would like to see. Palermo in Sicily is near the top of the list. The food and the Art Nouveau / Liberty style architecture  are just two of the attractions.  Or maybe a month in Chania on the Greek Island of Crete. Recently I stumbled upon two other experiences that intrigue me:

The Shire Horse Experience

Try Something different – discover these gentle giants, gentle but originally bred for war

Spend some time  at Coldcroft Farm, May Hill  in West Gloucestershire, England. Its stars, the Coldcroft shire horses, help its owners work the land where owners Jamie and Katie raise sheep, “Old Spot” pigs,  geese, and Gloucester cattle. It only has two overnight-stay options but its web site has links to other inns. 

Please watch the video. Shire horses are just magnificent creatures. Enjoy the Shire horse experience! Bonuses include walking and cycling in the beautiful Gloucester countryside with lunch at a country pub. Maybe best of all, spotty wifi and cell coverage so you are forced to disconnect.

Casa Sallusti or an Agriturismo

Views from an agriturismo

I know! You would rather be on a crowded beach in Nice, Antibes, or Menton! However, for something different spend time at Casa Sallusti. Located in the hills above Nice, it has been a Ecocert certified farm since 2002. 

Enjoy life on a working organic farm with a tiny hotel operation and farm-to-table cuisine. Its chef is a refugee from a Michelin-starred establishment. The immediate appeal of Casa Sallusti may owe itself to my attraction to indulging in an Agriturismo experience in Italy – still very much on my wish list of things to enjoy

I do like the ocean!

I was born by the ocean – in Broughty Ferry, Scotland! Throughout my childhood I bounced back and forth, from the port city of Sept-Iles, Québec to the shores of of Cape Breton. I love the beach! But for me, beach means long stretches of shore and ocean with no one in sight! Or a little cove on the Island of Iona in the drizzle. I think that the only good time to be on a Florida beach is very, very early in the morning when there is no one there.

All travel is good. Everyone has his or her own idea as to what makes for a perfect vacation. Whatever the preference, disconnect, recharge your batteries, have fun! And just maybe…..

Try Something Different

Odds and Ends 1

August 22, 2024

A headline from the New York Times ! Off the Grid, Extremely Online – August 14, 2024  Am I the only person that thinks this is an oxymoron? How can someone claim to be off the grid and still have a million YouTube followers?  A sense of humour may be necessary  if you read these […]

Optimism is for the Brave

August 1, 2024

I have only written the occasional article over the past twenty-four months – twenty-four months working with Anastasia Mourogova-Millin on innovative concepts designed to attract financing-at-scale to invest in  urban nature and bio-diversity. Recently we have re-defined our working relationship. I continue to believe in the ideas she is pioneering.  However, we are at different stages […]

Cities are in Crisis

March 7, 2024

Anastasia Mourogova Millin, March 5, 2024 Earth’s urban population will grow by 2.5 billion people over the next 30 years. Over the same time period, urban land expansion put at risk the survival of 855 different species and will threaten the homes of over 30,000 animal and plant species. Add in the impact of climate […]

The Co-working Concept, Issue 80

January 22, 2024

Co-working space came to mean the notorious We Work model. When I had been asked to opine on co-working I tried to steer the conversation away from the Adam Neumann / Softbank  flimflam growth model. Instead, I suggested that property owners look at usage and users. While I doubted We Work’s ability to survive I […]

The Affordable Housing Conundrum

October 3, 2023

Before I fall completely into the trap of opposition politics, I have decided to take a break from never-ending criticism and to start suggesting solutions to the affordable housing conundrum. Do I have a plan? No, more a collection of ideas To start with, I think there are three key issues: Home ownership is not […]

We Should Know Better

August 26, 2023

I know! I am going to sound like a grumpy old man. Maybe that is because I am. I have been scratching my head in wonderment at the Taylor Swift phenomena. Is she an Incredible song writer, composer, and performer? I really don’t know! A discussion for another time? But probably not. At my age […]