Christmas Poem 2021

A poem for Omicron Christmas to the theme of We’ll be Home for Christmas”

We’re dreaming tonight of a place we love
Even more than we usually do
And although we know it’s a long road back
We promise you

We’ll be home for Christmas
If we pass the test
Travel bans and omicron
Have made us feel less blest

Christmas eve will find us
Feeling covid 19
We’ll be home for Christmas
After we quarantine

We’ll be home for Christmas
You can count on us
Please get your booster and wear your mask
And do not ride the bus

Christmas eve will find us
In our quarantine
We’ll be home for Christmas
When the CDC declares we’re clean

Jonathan Potter, December 24, 2021
Jonathan Potter

Jonathan Potter is my son-in-law. He is a managing librarian at Washington State University, Spokane, Washington and a published poet. He is often featured on Garrison Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac.” Look for:

  • Tulips for Elsie published by Wishing Tree Books
  • House of Words published by Korrektiv Press

Both publications are available on Amazon.

I think that he wrote Christmas Poem 2021 as a quick response to my recent four-line ditty.

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